Monday, February 1, 2010

"I don't really have time to make Chili" chili

This is the first post on the new Chilidog blog, Chez James. It's about man food. I am the Chilidog and I really like to eat tasty grub. I like it hot and spicy. I have a lot of favorites, way too many to list but at the top of my list, is chili. I think I could eat chili at every other meal. I ordered chili in cafes and truck stops all across the land and most of it was pretty good and sometimes it was wonderful. Chili has as many personalities as there are chili cooks. It is a pure joy to go to a chili cook-off and watch the cooks busy at their pots of red and then later, sample a cup of each. All wonderful and each with its own blend of flavors. I have no idea how the judges finally decide who gets the ribbons.
I used to say the worst chili I have ever had was wonderful until I got a really bad bowl of green chili at a truck stop on old Rout 66 in Tucumcari, N.M. I tried, I really tried to eat some of it but I think I was the victim of some malicious hidden camera prank. It looked like someone had cleaned out the grease trap. It was genuinely bad. Thank goodness the place is closed now. I'm glad I got that behind me now, I won't need to ever bring it up again.

The Chili receipt for today is the "I don't really have time to make Chili" chili. This is fastest really good chili you can make without opening that canned MRE grade stuff. It is a good chili to throw together if you need to feed the gang in a hurry. From start to finish, about 45 minutes to an hour. Not bad for chili that will pass the taste test. (We will get to the more exotic brews later, I promise.)

In a 6 quart Dutch oven, throw in 2 lb. of ground chuck and 1 can of Beef stock. Turn the heat up to medium high. Break up the ground chuck with a wooden spoon and mix with the stock to make a pink slurry, add more water if needed. Add 1 med. Spanish onion, finely chopped. Stir frequently to make sure no large lumps hamburger form. Dump in 1 package of Williams Chili Seasoning,* 1 16 oz. can of tomato sauce, and 4 or 5 cans of beans, drained. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a slow simmer and cover. Stir occasionally.

Now go and change your clothes and get ready to relax for the evening or whatever. By now it should have simmered for 30 or 40 minutes, enough time for you to chop up some raw onion, shredded cheddar cheese, and any other condiments that you use with chili. Season to taste. Pour yourself a glass of cold low fat milk and enjoy.
2 lb. ground chuck
1 can beef stock (chicken stock works too)
1 pkg. Williams Chili Seasoning, the pkg. for 2 lb of meat. Williams is great but in not available in your area, I guess any package chili seasoning will work.
1 med. Spanish onion, chopped
1 16 oz. can tomato sauce
4 or 5 Cans of beans, drained. I like to mix it up, pinto, small kidney beans, black beans, and red beans. Skip on the seasoned beans for chili.
Season to taste with salt and pepper. If you want more fire in your chili, grab the Tabasco. Making Chili is a creative exercise so feel free to experiment.

I know what you were thinking when I suggested the pink slurry, you made that face. You're used to browning your hamburger aren't you? I often do that too but this is a faster method and you don't have the skillet to clean. Also the chili will have a much smoother texture. I also like to make a large pot of this chili to warm up and eat later in the week.

* Williams Original Chili Seasoning. I was a full grown man before I knew that there was any other kind of chili seasoning. Williams has been at it since 1934 and you can consistently turn out a good bowl of chili every time. The flavors are wonderful and not too hot and you can serve it to your kids or your grandma. If you want to feel the burn, that's what the little red bottles are for.

Check out the other Chilidog site.